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Green brittlegill — Russula virescens (Schff. ex Zant.) Fr.


The green brittlegill is one of the most delicious and most recognisable mushrooms from the Russulaceae family. It is common, especially in oak-hornbeam forests, although it can also be found in coniferous forests near fir trees. It grows from late spring until autumn, sometimes in large groups.

The cap is roundish, with a depression in the middle and cracks around the edges. The whole area of the cap has cracks, which is a distinguishing feature of the species. The cap is greenish in most cases, although it can also be whitish or whitish-green. The stalk is white, solid, and fragile. The gills are white to cream coloured, densely distributed, fragile.

The flesh is white and tough, with a pleasant smell and taste. The green brittlegill is a high quality edible mushroom.

The green brittlegill can be seen in the Macrofungi exhibition in the Natural Sciences Pavilion.