Visitor info

Opening hours

  • Tuesday to Friday:
    10:00 am – 7:00 pm
  • Weekends:
    10:00 am – 6:00 pm

The museum is closed on Mondays

Admission Fees

Age 5 and under: FREE
Age 6-18: 2.00 KM (BAM)
Students: 10.00 KM (BAM)
Adults: 20.00 KM (BAM)

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How to find us

Zmaja od Bosne 3
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

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arheologija, srednji vijek, hagada, sarajevska hagada

Sarajevo Haggadah

If we were to pick the brightest gems from the treasure trove of material and intangible heritage kept in the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, there is no way we could leave out the illuminated Jewish codex known around the world as the Sarajevo Haggadah. The haggadah (Hebrew for story, account) is a collection of religious rules and traditions arranged into the order of the Seder observed on Passover, the holiday celebrating the liberation of the Jews from slavery in Egypt.

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Arts and artefacts

arheologija antika posuda

Vessel with theatrical mask motif

The artefact was brought to the National Museum in fragments, as an accidental find, and was reconstructed to its present shape. It is made out of fine purified clay, its walls are thin, and it is partially damaged near the lip.
