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Fibula with a figure-of-eight decoration


A fibula or brooch was used for fastening garments as well as for decoration.

This one has a distinctive decoration of four figures of eight placed on its bow. It is part of a large group of fibulae bearing the same decoration, but which differ according to the placement of the decoration (bow, foot, or both) and number of figures of eight. They are widely distributed in central Europe, and they date from throughout the Late Iron Age, depending on the variety.

This specimen is of a variety peculiar to sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Debelo brdo near Sarajevo, Kamenjača in Breza, Mahrevići near Čajniče, and Gorica near Grude). The distinguishing feature of this variety is the figure-of-eight decoration on the bow, as well as the false loops and knots on the foot, which makes for a unique style of decoration.

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The artefact is kept in storage in the Archaeology Department, where it may be accessed by prior arrangement with department staff.