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This year the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina is celebrating its 136th birthday, and we plan to, traditionally, mark it together with our visitors.


Dear visitors,


The National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina will stage the exhibition entitled ' Sevdalinka - picture, word and sound' which willl present the chronology of development of oral poetry which is commonly known as sevdalinka, from the Middle Ages to the modern era.

False Clouds | Lažni Oblaci

False Clouds | Lažni Oblaci

National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina 

10 September — 20 October 2022, opening: 9 September 2022 at 7 PM

The restauration work of the storages in the National museum of B&H thanks to Aliph foundation

We are pleased to inform the esteemed audience and visitors of the Museum that, thanks to the International Foundation ALIPH (ALIPH - International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas)  the

Opening of the permanent exhibition Bosnia and Herzegovina in Prehistory

Bosnia and Herzegovina in prehistoric times, a permanent exhibition of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, opens its doors to the public for the first time since 1992 on October 20, 2021.

Public announcement

Dear visitors,

we inform you that, due to technical issues, the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina's web-shop is currently not working.

We hope to solve the issues soon and until then you can pruchase our souvenires at the Museum gift shop which is open:

Public announcement

Dear visitors,

We would like to inform you that, after almost two months, the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina is opening its doors to the public.

Individual visits will be possible in the following period:

Tue-Wed from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Topič challenge

During the month of April, the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina prepared several challenges for our audience, during the lock-down caused by the COVID-19 virus pandemic. 

World Book and Copyright Day


On the occasion of marking the World Book and Copyright Day 2020, the staff of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina contributed to the program prepared by the colleagues from the Agency for Librarians, Archivists and Museum-workers.

A special screening tonight on the facade dedicated to Ireland

In the past period, the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina has cooperated with the Embassy of Ireland. As the result various projects have emerged of which the conservation project of the La Tene provenance objects stands out.

Public announcement

Due to the preventive health measures issued by the ministries of health and education and coordinating bodies of the FBiH Government as of 16.03.2020.

Call for Papers for Herald of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Archaeology

Dear colleagues, Editorial Board of Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine / Herald of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Archaeology series, has started preparations for the new volume of the journal. We invite all interested authors to submit their papers.

NEW SOUVENIRS - T-shirt with Queen's Dorothy Garai Coat of Arms

As of today new t-shirts are available in the souvenir shop of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina featuring the heraldic symbol of the Bosnian Queen Dorothy Garai. The graphic design of the motif was made by artist Stanislava Pinchuk.

Project "Botanical Garden - Classroom on Biodiversity of Flora" successfully implemented

Works on laying the lighting fixtures and irrigation installations of the Botanical Garden were completed in June. The mentioned works are part of the project "Botanical Garden - Classroom on Biodiversity of Flora", which was financially supported by the Environmental Protection Fund of FBiH.

Continuation of cooperation between the Louvre Museum and the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Over the past few years, the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been cooperating with the French Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which resulted in the implementation of several projects through which the work of the Museum was improved.

Presentation of the project "Preventive conservation of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina collections"

With the establishment of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 1888, the work of this institution started practically in two departments, of which the Department of Archeology at that moment had only 761 exhibits, which also include artifacts from the prehistoric period.

Notre-Dame de Paris - solidarity and compassion

The National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina expresses its solidarity and compassion for the French people on the catastrophic fire of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris last night.


Dear visitors, within the efforts we make in improving and advancing the conditions for keeping plant species in our Botanic Garden, and improving the Museum as a whole, ground works will begin in the Botanic Garden on its illumination and irrigation, staring from Monday, 8 April 2019.

Presentation of the project funded by the Embassy of Ireland

Simbolically, on St. Patrick's day, the patron saint of Ireland, the unveiling took place of objects of a La Tène provenance that were conserved with the support of the Embassy of Ireland. This event took place in the presence of Minister of State Andrew Doyle T.
