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Bronze short-sword

  • arheologija prahistorija mač


The Late Bronze Age cache from Veliki Mošunj near Vitez, discovered in 1913, contains exclusive and diverse artefacts, decorative in purpose. The luxurious, high quality craftsmanship points to high value, and the objects likely belonged to a local individual of high social standing and served as status symbols.

The most representative finding in the cache is this bronze short-sword with a full metal tang and a matching bronze scabbard of the Veliki Mošunj type. All of the articles found at this site have lavish geometric decorations which feature the most prominent motifs of the western Balkan geometric style, most commonly, two rows of cross-hatched triangles which create a negative zig-zag pattern in the form of a ribbon. Because of the decorative style characteristic of the central Bosnian cultural group in the Late Bronze Age, it is assumed that the Veliki Mošunj findings originate from a local workshop.

Vrsta materijala i tehnike:

The artefact is kept in storage in the Archaeology Department, where it may be accessed by prior arrangement with department staff.
  • arheologija prahistorija mač